The biomass heating business increased in Galicia by almost 3% in 2018

The biomass sector generated a business volume of 62 million euros in Galicia in 2018, which represents an increase of 2.8%, more than one point above the national average (1.7%), according to the 2019 Annual Report of the Biomass Observatory managed by the Spanish Association for the Energy Recovery of Biomass (Avebiom).

At the end of 2018, 18,448 stoves and boilers were operating in Galicia in the community, with a nominal power of 744 MW. The manufacturing and marketing of the new equipment, as well as the maintenance and sale of solid biofuels, among others, generated an activity that employs 665 people.

Regarding the energy consumed by biomass equipment in Galicia, it amounted to 102.7 KTEP, which has allowed the equivalent savings of almost 120 million liters of diesel in 2018.

The contribution of the sector to the greenhouse gas reduction strategy is also relevant, since the 18,448 biomass equipment installed in Galicia avoided the emission of 317,753 tons of CO 2 , similar to the pollution produced during a year by 211,835 passenger cars. 10.6% of all regional mobile fleet.

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