Avebiom awards the Promote Bioenergy 2019 prize to the Basque Energy Entity

The Spanish Association for the Energy Recovery of Biomass (Avebiom) has awarded the 'Fomenta la Bioenergy 2019' award to the Basque Energy Entity (EVE) in recognition of the different actions, both dissemination, support and investment, developed in the recent years, especially in relation to the use of biomass for thermal generation in both public and private buildings.

The jury wanted to recognize the trajectory of this public entity in promoting the use of biomass throughout its 37 years of history. The president of Avebiom, Javier Díaz, will present the award within the framework of the Expobiomasa Fair, in Valladolid, on September 24.

The Basque Energy Entity (EVE) was created in 1982 and is the Energy Agency of the Basque Government, whose mission is to propose energy strategies under the criteria of supply guarantee, cost competitiveness, sustainability and technological development; as well as actively participate in their development and contribute to the achievement of the objectives defined therein.

In 1985, EVE carried out the first evaluation of the energy potential of the Community. And in the 90s it carried out different research and development projects on technologies based on pyrolysis and gasification to address different types of uses. In addition, resource identification and characterization studies were carried out.

Currently, in line with European strategies to promote renewables aimed at decarbonizing the energy sector, it develops various annual aid programs, through which nearly 4,000 thermal biomass installations have been promoted, which have achieved a impact on Basque society by modifying its traditional consumption patterns.

Eight winners since 2010
In previous editions, the Terrassa City Council (2010), IDAE (2011), the Andalusian Energy Agency (2012), the Regional Government of Castilla y León (2013), the Climate Change Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment (2014), the Xunta de Galicia (2015), the public company Nasuvinsa (Navarra of Land and Housing, in 2016), the University of Valladolid (2017) and the Ceder- Ciemat de Soria (2018).

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