SUD Renovables, through its subsidiary InstalSud, has completed the works and launched the heat network with a biomass boiler to provide heating and DHW service to several municipal facilities in Arbúcies (Girona).
The project consists of a 500kW biomass boiler located next to the Can Delfí building, from where heat is supplied to several municipal buildings, through an underground heat network. In this first phase, services have been provided to the Town Hall building, the La Gabella Museum building, the Library, the Music School and the Adult School. During the next few months the Municipal Swimming Pool will be added.
The fuel used is biomass forest chips from the clearing of the forests around Arbúcies, and supplied by the local company Matfor (Forest Materials, SL).
The heat network makes it possible to supply 575,000 kWh of thermal energy annually. The project, which does not involve any investment by the City Council, allows it to save the consumption of approximately 58,200 liters of diesel per year. The environmental benefits are quantified in the reduction of polluting gas emissions of 151 Tn of CO 2 . In economic terms only in the first year, the City Council will obtain a financial saving of 3.12%. This saving will increase over the next few years, with the average saving over the contract period being 21.3%. The SUD Group has made the investment and installation of the equipment, and carries out its operation, supplying energy to the equipment described.