Use firewood to prevent fires

For the Spanish Association of Stove and Fireplace Manufacturers (AEFECC), good sustainable management of forests is considered essential in order to prevent fires. In the article signed by the AEFECC that we now publish, the association assures that “the cleaning of forests and the reuse of forest surplus are part of the secret of the countries with the largest forest area in our environment so that large fires are not so devastating. as they are in our country, where 41% of the burned surface corresponds to only 0.2% of the accidents”

“Reducing the amount of biomass accumulated in forest areas by collecting firewood, brushwood, shavings, branches, roots, etc. The regulation and functioning of the ecosystem is favored, preventing the uncontrolled spread of fires, since there is less material susceptible to burning,” confirms the AEFECC.

Biomass to reduce energy dependence
Regarding the use of biomass, AEFECC estimates that increasing the percentage of single-family homes with biomass heating systems by only 18% (almost 1.4 million homes) would mean not only a saving of almost 500 million euros annually and great progress towards achieving the environmental objectives of greenhouse gas emissions but also a decrease in energy dependence.

Read the full article here

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