Finnish and Spanish companies have held more than 300 bilateral business meetings, coinciding with the day dedicated to Finland at Expobiomasa and the celebration of the II Finnish Hispanic Biomass Seminar, which was inaugurated by the ambassador of this country in Spain, Tiina Jortikka, and the Minister of Economy and Finance of Castilla y León, Carlos Fernández Carriedo.
During the B2B meetings, Spanish firms have learned about the business models of the sector in Finland, as well as the most innovative technological advances, with special attention to quality control techniques, the use of chips for thermal use and heat networks.
“Bioenergy is one of the main keys to 'decarbonizing' the generation of heat and energy, as has already been demonstrated in different countries, including Finland,” explained the president of Bioenergy Europe and the Association of the Bioenergy of Finland, Hannes Tuohiniitty, during the conference he gave at the fair under the name 'Responsibility in biomass heat networks'.
Tuohiniitty has emphasized that 87% of renewable heat in Europe is based on bioenergy. “Biomass can be used in a very versatile way and is flexible in both raw materials and production, in addition to being more economical and avoiding the emission of thousands of tons of C0 2 ” required. And also, he recalled that “it is a great ally to combat forest fires.”
Finland, which has 26 exhibiting companies at Expobiomasa, is a country in which bioenergy represents 35% of the energy consumed and has a long tradition in the use of biomass for energy purposes.
At the beginning of the 90s, the development of the biomass heating business model managed by energy service companies (ESC) began and currently it has more than 620 medium-sized installations of this type (between 300 and 6000 kW), of which 141 are municipal, which heat more than 200 schools, daycare centers and nursing homes.
Furthermore, a third of the facilities managed by energy service companies are 'district heating' that supply heat to different buildings. In fact, half of the Finnish population is connected to this installation model, which has more than 15,000 kilometers of hot water pipe networks.