Junkers ZWE24 boiler module – 87483002670
Junkers ZWE24 boiler electronic board – 87483002670
Some of the most common problems that can arise when having the Junkers ZWE24 Boiler Module Reference 87483002670 installed incorrectly or defectively are: ignition failures, combustion failures, pressure failures, abnormal noises during operation, high levels of smoke , poor performance, high levels of power consumption, overheating and safety issues. These problems can be prevented by using the Junkers ZWE24 Boiler Module Reference 87483002670, as it is manufactured with high quality materials to ensure long-lasting performance and durability. The digital control system, LCD display and programming function ensure that the boiler operates optimally and prevents breakdown problems.
Apparatus | Designation |
7712230036 | ZE24-3MFKD23S2892 |
7712243032 | ZE24-3MFKD31S2892 |
7713234975 | ZWE24-3HAD23S2800 |
7713244990 | ZWE24-3HAD31S2800 |
7713230098 | ZWE24-3HKD23S2892 |
7713243085 | ZWE24-3HKD31S2892 |
7713234989 | ZWE24-3MFAD23S2800 |
7713244996 | ZWE24-3MFAD31S2800 |
7713230083 | ZWE24-3MFKD23S2892 |
7713243078 | ZWE24-3MFKD31S2892 |
7713234976 | ZWE28-3HAD23S2800 |
7713234988 | ZWE28-3MFAD23S2800 |
7713234972 | ZWE24-3HAD23S3592 |
7713244989 | ZWE24-3HAD31S3592 |
7713230100 | ZWE24-3HKD23S3592 |
7713243086 | ZWE24-3HKD31S3592 |