Category Archives: Biomass

New European regulations on Ecolabelling and Ecodesign for biomass equipment

The regulations relating to the energy labeling of solid fuel boilers (lot 15) and appliances [...]

Butanext European project: innovating to create a more effective generation of biofuels

Technicians from the Biomass department of CENER (National Center for Renewable Energy), participate in a [...]

Innovative tool for rapid analysis of biomasses

The Advanced Technological Center for Renewable Energies (CTAER) has coordinated an R&D project that [...]

The heat and cold networks reach 240 facilities in Spain

Biomass, through the heat and cold networks fed with this fuel, [...]

Use firewood to prevent fires

For the Spanish Association of Stove and Fireplace Manufacturers (AEFECC) it is considered essential to have good [...]