Junkers ZW24 Boiler Exchanger
What is a boiler heat exchanger?
A heat exchanger in your boiler works by converting energy (heat in this case) from gas to water.
The water passes through the heat exchanger in the boiler, heating itself in the process. Water is fed to the central heating system through a “flow” pipe. It circulates around the heating system and returns through the “return” pipe.
As water passes through radiators, towel rails and pipes, it loses temperature. And, when it enters the heat exchanger again, it reheats and the process continues.
Malfunctions that the Junkers ZW24 Boiler Exchanger may have
If it makes noise
Sign of lime, sludge or dirt buildup in the heat exchanger. That noise comes from the water vapor bubbles that are heated
If the boiler is turned off
If the boiler has an NTC probe, the probe that controls the temperature of the water leaving the boiler. If this is too high, it will crash.
When a heat exchanger is clogged with lime or sludge, the water can overheat.
The probe recognizes that the water temperature is abnormally high and turns off the boiler.
Keep in mind that in this case the Junkers NTC Probe and not the exchanger may be faulty.
water leaks
Build-up of lime, dirt or rust can cause cracks in a heat exchanger.
This can cause leaks in the exchanger. with which the boiler would pour water into it.
The internal components of the exchanger may also break or crack, and the boiler may not heat the domestic hot water or may not reach the correct temperature as in heating.
7713243827 ZW24KE31
ZW24AE23S2805 7713244813 ZW24AE31S2805
7736500882 ZW24-2EDVAES23S2805