Microalgae that convert energy from sunlight into biomass
The CO2Algaefix project, aimed at recovering carbon dioxide through microalgae cultivation, [...]
Chilean political leaders visit the Soria heat network
The thermal power plant of the Soria Biomass Heat Network has received the [...]
Thermal energy from biomass for domestic and industrial use
COMSA Renovables and Electra Caldense have signed a collaboration agreement for the production and [...]
New biomass heat network in the Girona town of Arbúcies
SUD Renovables, through its subsidiary InstalSud, has completed the works and put into operation [...]
Biomass and CO2 capture, strategic allies
The Spanish Technological Platform for CO2 (PTECO2) and the Spanish Technological Platform for Biomass [...]
Spain reaches 160,000 thermal biomass installations and 7,275 MW installed
According to data from the National Observatory of Biomass Boilers (ONCB), managed by the employers' association AVEBIOM, [...]
New cases of scams due to identity theft in the sale of pellets
Recently, at least one Spanish company producing wood pellets has been a victim of [...]