Category Archives: Biomass

A European database with 4,000 bioenergy plants

According to Avebiom, last March the execution period of the project [...]

Each thermal megawatt of biomass installed covers the heating and DHW needs of 150 homes

In a day organized by Unión por la Biomasa within the framework of the fair [...]

New 18 kW Bronpi pellet boiler ideal for small spaces

One of the novelties for the 2016-2017 season from the manufacturer of domestic heating equipment [...]

Spain already has more than 300 air conditioning networks

The Association of Heat and Cold Network Companies (ADHAC) has presented a year [...]

A biomass boiler for industrial process in oil mill

AMB Green Power has put into operation in the town of Brea de Aragón (Zaragoza) [...]

Enerstena biomass boilers arrive in Spain

Nova Energía Group has signed an exclusive distribution agreement with the manufacturer Enerstena. Thank you [...]

Biomass provides 16% of the energy for heating and cooling in the EU

In 2014, the contribution of renewable energies reached 16% according to the Statistical Report [...]